Artist Spotlight: Hayley Fahey - Sometimes I Need The Rain

Artist Spotlight: Hayley Fahey - Sometimes I Need The Rain

Sometimes I Need The Rain by Hayley Fahey live in Nashville, TN #SunsetSessions

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Recorded, Edited, Produced by Chaz Mazzota + Nashville Pop Check out her interview below!

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An Interview With Hayley Fahey

Tells us about the song you are performing  for the Nashville Pop Artist Spotlight. What is it about?

“Sometime I Need the Rain - this was a song I wrote when living in LA for a year during the pandemic. I was 3000 miles away from 'home,' everything was so different, and this song embodies was that time period was like.”

What first got you into music? How did the journey begin?

“Growing up my parents always had music playing on the speakers. Big fans of soul music like the great Stevie Wonder, the late Eva Cassidy (a DC legend) among others. I was always singing and my grandmothers started teaching me piano at a young age..”

How would you describe the music that you typically create?

“The music I typically create is a blend. I have a variety of influences - but POP has always been at the core. I grew up in the 2000s - when the Backstreet Boys, Justin Timberlake, Christina Aguilera, and Britney Spears really shaped the quintessential catchy hooks that I try to incorporate into my own music.”

What does your music represent?

“My music represents my collective life experiences and emotions, and those that I've gathered from the people around me. When i first started writing songs, it was to help me with my anxiety. A sort of catharsis. And in turn, I hope my songs can help others too.”

What is your creative process like?

“My creative process usually starts with a guitar in hand or by sitting down at the piano. I'll usually have an idea or melody in mind, but the music kind of just flows from there. Sometimes, I'll wake up in the middle of the night with an idea or melody, but those ideas usually go into the voice of endless voice memos on my phone.”

If you were to open for any 3 artists, who would they be?

“If I were to open for ANY 3 artists (that's a tough question!) they'd probably be... Amos Lee - who I've always admired for his songwriting and soul, Jason Mraz - because he's a longtime singer-songwriter hero of mine, or Colbie Caillat because she's another one of my biggest influences and I've been told we have a similar vibe in our music!”

What is the best advice you’ve been given so far in the music industry?

“Be you. Be authentic. There's no point in trying to fit into boxes. Fans nowadays can see right through that. Of course you want to put forward the best version of yourself, but staying true to who you are at your core is so important in the music industry, and life in general.”

What would you be doing right now, if it wasn’t for your music career?

“I'd probably still be living in the DC-area close to home near my large extended family. Maybe I'd be in nursing. If music hadn't always called me, I'd probably want to go into the medical field. One of my nicknames growing up was "Doctor Hayley" because I always wanted to help if someone wasn't feeling well, and could remember quite a few medical facts haha.”

What’s the most rewarding aspect of being a creative in your experience?

“The most rewarding aspect of being a creative is the ability to express emotion through music. I think it is a talent you need to work at, as well as a gift and a superpower: to put to music and poetry the human experience. For me it's what gets me through the ups and downs of this unpredictable world.”

In your view, what can society to do to best support artists, creatives such as yourself?

“Society can help support artists by creating space for them to survive financially with their music. Most artists need to work day jobs to support themselves. Recording costs are expensive. More artist grants and opportunities would be wonderful to help bring more art to life, and to support the lives of the creators who bring it to fruition.”

Social Media

Nashville Pop:

Hayley Fahey: @hayleynotes

Chaz Mazzota: @itschazmazzota

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The Nashville Pop Playlist is a curated spotify playlist featuring local Nashville Artists. It’s a great way to find new artists in town for collaborations and to keep an eye out for new music releases. The Nashville Pop playlist updates on the 10th of every month and submissions can be sent via email.

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