Artist Spotlight: Sean Cunningham - Whatever That Is

Artist Spotlight: Sean Cunningham - Whatever That Is

Whatever That Is by Sean Cunningham live in Nashville, TN

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Recorded, Edited, Produced by Chaz Mazzota + Nashville Pop Check out her interview below!

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An Interview With Sean Cunningham

Tells us about the song you are performing  for the Nashville Pop Artist Spotlight. What is it about?

“Whatever That Is” This is a song I wrote after a conversation I had with my father before he passed away. I had told him how strange it felt getting older even though I still feel like the same person I was when I was a teenager. He told me that feeling never goes away and that, even at 72 years old, he still felt like a twenty year old. This song talks about that and about how all of us are only doing the best we can, no matter what that looks like.

What first got you into music? How did the journey begin?

“My father was a full time musician all of his life, so clearly I had to follow in his footsteps”

How would you describe the music that you typically create?

“The music I create can explore a wide range of emotions, from moody and dark to fun and quirky but I would say the most common thread is introspection. Most of my songs are about myself and the struggles I’m going through.”

What does your music represent?

“My music is a representation of where I am in life.”

What is your creative process like?

“Completely random. Inspiration ebbs and flows and can never quite be controlled no matter how hard I try. Most of my ideas start out as melody ideas with incoherent mumbles and I slowly whittle away at them until I find what I want it is I want to say.”

If you were to open for any 3 artists, who would they be?

“The Lumineers, Jason Isbell, David Grey”

What is the best advice you’ve been given so far in the music industry?

“Write about what you know. Don’t try to be any other artist, be yourself in everything you do.”

What would you be doing right now, if it wasn’t for your music career?

“Probably not stressing about rent. Lol But would almost certainly feel a void”

What’s the most rewarding aspect of being a creative in your experience?

“Accomplishment. Finally being able to step back and listen to a song I’ve created and know it’s finished.”

In your view, what can society to do to best support artists, creatives such as yourself?

“Provide more outlets for original songwriters and performers to make a living off of their work. Even in Music City, the town we live in, original artists aren’t paid for their performances. Across the world it’s often considered a privilege for original artists just to get the exposure and that should be payment enough. But if we play cover songs they’ll pay us. It’s a screwed up system that doesn’t support creative people the same way other art forms are supported.”

Social Media

Nashville Pop:

Tiffany Johnson: @seanthecunning

Chaz Mazzota: @itschazmazzota

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