Dynamic Instagram Photography in 90 seconds (or less)

So, you want to make your Instagram Photos pop? I GOT YOU! Honestly, it’s not too hard to get a quick and nice-looking picture edit in no time. Here’s How to Edit Dynamic Instagram Photography in 90 seconds (or less) in the form of a quick tip guide for any level creator looking to step up their photography game! (and make their friends a little jealous)

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Dynamic Instagram Photography | What Do You Need

Short, sweet, and simple that’s how I like my list of things to make Instagram photos stand out. So, for this tutorial, you only need two things. If you want a little more information about being a content creator feel free to check out my “Who Are You?” Blog here!

  • A Cool Photo: You can’t have that sweet and dynamic Instagram photography without one! This was taken with my iPhone.

  • A Photo Editor: I’m using Adobe Lightroom for this, but most editors share a very similar set of tool names so it shouldn’t be too hard to follow along without Adobe software.

Dynamic Instagram Photography | The Steps

OOF! I’ve cracked the code… well… kinda. It’s more like a cheat code for what areas to focus on in order to get those dynamic Instagram photography needs met in 90 seconds (or less). 7 quick steps to a bomb photo, here we go!

Balance the Photo:

You want to even out the photo so that the brightness is relatively even throughout. You can do this by adjusting the white balance and basic levels to your liking. I’m pretty cool with this.

  • Temp: 0

  • Tint: 0

  • Exposure: + 0.60

  • Contrast: + 12

  • Highlights: – 50

  • Shadows: + 50

  • Whites: 0

  • Blacks: 0

Add Presence:

Increase the Texture and Clarity to taste. You don’t have to overdo it, just add enough to make those edges pop.

  • Texture: +40

  • Clarity: +15

  • Dehaze: 0

Teal and Orange Effect:

Adjust Tone Balance to get that teal and orange effect everyone loves so much. I typically start with these settings and adjust from there.

  • Red Primary: +20

  • Green Primary: +50

  • Blue Primary: -40


Remove any unwanted saturation from your tone change. Sometimes your skin might end up a little orange or too red. If so, just pull down the saturation to get a more natural skin tone again.

  • Red Saturation: -24

  • Orange Saturation: -24

Vintage Fade:

Add that Vintage Fade by adjusting the shadows and exposure curve to resemble something like this photo here.


Add some Sharpening and Noise Reduction to taste. I like to smooth out the images a little more for Instagram and mobile devices.


  • Amount: 40

  • Radius: 1.0

  • Detail: 25

  • Masking: 0

Noise Reduction:

  • Luminance: 40

  • Detail: 50

  • Contrast: 0

Radial Filter:

Draw a Radial Filter around your subject and adjust the exposure to make it pop out from the background. To make the center pop more in general, you can also layer on a Vignette as shown.

Shameless Plug

So, there you go! How to Edit Dynamic Instagram Photography in 90 seconds (or less). Don’t forget to follow me on social media and let me know what you want to learn next! 


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