Artist Spotlight: Blonde Bullet

Artist Spotlight: Blonde Bullet - Watercolor

Watercolor by Blonde Bullet live in Nashville, TN #SunsetSessions

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Recorded, Edited, Produced by Chaz Mazzota + Nashville Pop Check out her interview below!

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An Interview With Blonde Bullet

Tells us about the song you are performing  for the Nashville Pop Artist Spotlight. What is it about?

“Head Down is the first song I ever performed when I first moved to Nashville. I was super nervous! A lot of how the song was first performed was improvised as it didn’t really have an official structure at the time- so when people said they really liked it afterwards Slice and I used that structure ever since. I’m not one that likes to tell what a song is about because I love when people have their own clean slate experience with it and use it to their own advantage, story and possible healing. That said, Im actually not entirely sure what the song is really “about”! Haha. Slice and I came up with a melody one day when he zoom called me in 2020. In my head I just kept hearing the words “Head Down” for years whenever I was trying to get through bad situations before realizing I was coming up with a concept of a song. It’s sort of just a feeling I had about protecting the things inside me that shined by trying not to be too shiny on the outside myself.. protecting myself by keeping my head down. Does that make any sense? I don’t know.. I plan to bring it up to a therapist maybe at some point.. its on my to do list. Haha”

What first got you into music? How did the journey begin?

“Theres a video of me singing “Somewhere Over The Rainbow” when I thought no one was looking just before my 4th birthday.. So maybe Judy Garland and the Wizard of Oz first got me into it? Haha. At an early age I was obsessed with fun girl groups like the Spice Girls and The Chicks. I still hold out hope that one day I’ll be in an awesome girl band! My mom always had Bonnie Raiit playing at home and the impact her artistry left on me never gets old and never stops inspiring me. I just always sang and its never been something I could turn off. I never really knew I was any good until a popular girl in my 4th grade class told me I was. I never felt like a cool kid so her saying that left an impact on me. Then I started being told to enter talent shows and would sing in Church gospel music, pop music, and was in a rock band in high school. Through all of it I always loved the standards and jazz & blues and fantasied about traveling back in time to see music that was recorded in the earlier days of radio in its raw form before the 20’s all the way through the 60’s. My stomach turns when I sit thinking too long about how that’s not possible haha.”

How would you describe the music that you typically create?

“I truly love all kinds of music. The music that speaks to my soul when I write/sing it is typically jazz/blues infused with sometimes some western influence and other times some indie pop influence. Sometimes when Ive been fleshing out a song with someone I would often hear “thats not how you write a song”. I used to feel so ashamed when I would hear that sentence… now that I know that sentence means something great lies on the other side of the unknown I have learned to love hearing it. But I never intend to make something outside the box and sometimes I stay inside of it. I just cant deny what feels right in the moment and have learned so much about myself and my friends through every process. Whatever is authentic is whats the most important to me.”

What does your music represent?

“My music represents me - happy me, sad me, weird me, serious me, lighthearted me - all of it. I don’t necessarily have one mood or persona that I'm trying to represent. As long as the representation feels authentic, I’m proud of that.”

What is your creative process like?

“My musical inspiration comes from all over the place. Whether it’s lyrics based on a poem that my mom wrote or a melody that comes to me in the middle of the night, I’m always looking for inspiration. What has changed since I’ve moved to Nashville is how I refine that inspiration into a finished song. Trying to develop something completely on your own can be so frustrating, but having so many talented and creative people to bring into the process has made that process a whole lot more fun and productive.”

If you were to open for any 3 artists, who would they be?

“Dang! Thats a weirdly hard question for me to answer! There are so many artists that I am in awe of, but the ones that I think I would most enjoy opening for would be Linda Rondstadt, Bonnie Raitt or Amy Winehouse… or Rihanna”

What is the best advice you’ve been given so far in the music industry?

“Risk being seen… I’ve got a song I’ve written about it in the works.”

What would you be doing right now, if it wasn’t for your music career?

“Who knows lol….. I can tell you if I had to trade my talent of singing for anything else I would ask it to be having the abilities of a great comedian .. just as music heals, comedy may be even more healing to me. Maybe in another life.. cuz in this one I tend to be the one who laughs more than the one who actually tells the jokes.”

What’s the most rewarding aspect of being a creative in your experience?

“If I do it right, and I’m authentic to myself, I know that I’ll have created something that I can be proud of and revisit for the rest of my life. One of my favorite songs to perform is the first song I ever wrote, called “Peter”. Its amazing to think about what that song meant to me when I was 16 and remembering how I felt writing it. I think about what it means to me now and realize how I’ve grown as a person and an artist. Knowing that I’ve created something that will always have meaning to me and can never be taken away or broken is pretty amazing.”

In your view, what can society to do to best support artists, creatives such as yourself?

“Smash that like button… just kidding… kind of… Honestly, I think just sharing what you like. Don’t be afraid to force a friend to listen to that new song you came across. That’s part of the fun of music and you never know what they’ll share back.”

Social Media

Nashville Pop:

Blonde Bullet: @_blondebullet

Chaz Mazzota: @itschazmazzota

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