Artist Spotlight: Luke Jenison - Girlfriend
Artist Spotlight: Luke Jenison - Girlfriend
Girlfriend by Luke Jenison live in Nashville, TN #ArtistSpotlight
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Recorded, Edited, Produced by Chaz Mazzota + Nashville Pop Check out the interview below!
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An Interview With Luke Jenison
Tells us about the song you are performing for the Nashville Pop Artist Spotlight. What is it about?
"Girlfriend, a freestyle, and a cover/ remix of Calling All My Lovelies by Bruno Mars! I wanted to showcase the various performance and song styles of hip-hop during my spotlight set for Nashville Pop. Girlfriend is a song off of my last full length album about numerous instances where women in relationships have blatantly hit on me. I freestyle at all my shows, letting the audience choose words I have to incorporate, and showcasing a really raw form of rap and hip-hop. Of course Calling All My Lovelies is an R&B Bruno Mars jam that I put my own twist on; remixing tracks and brining your own style of writing and flow to them is a very common in rap music with many legendary mixtapes (such as Lil Wayne's "Dedication" series), so I wanted to end my set by putting my own style onto this scorned lovers anthem.”
What first got you into music? How did the journey begin?
“There I was. In my grandparent's hand-me-down Honda Pilot. The ripe age of 16. Driver's license in hand. The world on my shoulders. Lil Wayne playing from the cassette tape auxiliary cord I used for so many years. Out of pure curiosity I decided to freestyle over one of his tracks, and much to my surprise...I did a decent job! I was already hooked on rap music, but from then on I delved into actually practicing the craft. Freestyling with friends in the cafeteria, at sporting events, house parties, with the varsity basketball team, I got better and better. I finally saved up enough to by a cheap USB microphone. I would plug that bad boy into my sister's incredibly old MacBook when she wasn't home and record in GarageBand over some of the worst beats you ever heard in your life. But I loved it. And it set me on the path to where today I am now directing and recording full swing bands, writing melodies and lyrics for crazy talented singers, and still freestyling at venues all across Nashville. All because at 16 (when I was like 5' 4'' with a bowl haircut and looked like a knock-off brand Justin Berber AT BEST), I thought, "hmm, maybe I should lay down some cool raps of my own!"”
How would you describe the music that you typically create?
“I love to combine hip-hop with other genres of music to create something both new and familiar sounding. With my music you'll hear fusions of funk, jazz, R&B, blues, pop, and more all with hip-hop at the core of the track.”
What does your music represent?
“As Your Mother's Favorite Rapper, I am a clean hip-hop artist, so no cursing in ya boy's lyrics. I strive to create honest, and positive music that anyone in the crowd can be a fan of; from the most hardcore hip-hop head to your mom and her book club!”
What is your creative process like?
“I usually only make songs when I have a concrete idea for one. I won't just start writing lyrics aimlessly or try to produce a track without something in mind. Often times I will come up with an idea for a song, write some of the lyrics and melodies, then partner with another producer to build a demo around that track. From there I will finish the lyrics, the arrangement, and partner with other musicians to record the final version of the song. Or...ya know...maybe I'll do something completely different. Idk, I don't have a specific step-by-step process I adhere to each time.”
If you were to open for any 3 artists, who would they be?
“Silk Sonic Wu-Tang Clan T-Pain”
What is the best advice you’ve been given so far in the music industry?
“Show up to things. All there best connections I have made are because I went to events and met people there. I don't even do it as often as I should and it has still be the one thing that has given me successes, relationships, and friendships in music”
What would you be doing right now, if it wasn’t for your music career?
“I'd still be driving in my Toyota Camry, dropping freestyles to every beat on YouTube...just nobody would no about it. Also may I'd start a really ambiguous and confusing tech start-up company in Austin, TX that all my friends would have no idea how we make money and would super concerned for my future and financial stability about. that's a possible alternate timeline for me.”
What’s the most rewarding aspect of being a creative in your experience?
“I love having a vision and executing it. Being able to see and listen to an idea of yours, to actually experience and interact with what used to only be a thought in your head, that's my favorite part about making art.”
In your view, what can society to do to best support artists, creatives such as yourself?
“Come to shows and interact with the content we post! There's so much stuff out there now, without engagement it's hard for anything to break through outside your current social circle. So if you like a local artist, show their stuff some public love and let others know about it!”
Social Media
Nashville Pop:
Luke Jenison: @yaboylukeyj
Chaz Mazzota: @itschazmazzota
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The Nashville Pop Playlist is a curated spotify playlist featuring local Nashville Artists. It’s a great way to find new artists in town for collaborations and to keep an eye out for new music releases. The Nashville Pop playlist updates on the 10th of every month and submissions can be sent via email.