Artist Spotlight: Jenna Carlie - call it art
Artist Spotlight: Jenna Carlie - call it art
call it art by Jenna Carlie live in Nashville, TN #ArtistSpotlight
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Recorded, Edited, Produced by Chaz Mazzota + Nashville Pop
Check out her interview below!
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An Interview With Jenna Carlie
Tells us about the song you are performing for the Nashville Pop Artist Spotlight. What is it about?
"My song, "call it art" came out of a situation where I had feelings for someone, but I knew it wasn't a good idea to go for it. But honestly, I was so starry-eyed that I didn't really wanna approach the situation logically. So in one sense, it represents breaking my own rules on purpose. But in another sense it represents being carefree and not worrying about what's gonna happen. I tend to overthink a lot – so, "let's make a mess and call it art" expresses the idea of getting out of my head and out of my nervous, perfectionistic tendencies.”
What first got you into music? How did the journey begin?
“Haha my parents say I've been singing since I was born – they say I used to wake up singing as kid. I dabbled in writing songs as a kid, but I wrote my first song that I actually LIKED at 13 years old. From there, I decided I loved it and wanted to keep doing it. I released my first song in 2019 and my first EP last year!”
How would you describe the music that you typically create?
“I'd say it's bright, quirky, emotional, and fun! As far as genre goes, it falls somewhere in the indie-pop world.”
What does your music represent?
“I like to describe myself as a "hopeful hopeless romantic" – my music tends to express a lot of hope and excitement, along with a healthy dose of delusion and heartache.”
What is your creative process like?
“The start of a song can look a lot of different ways for me. I'm constantly writing ideas down in my notes app – little phrases or metaphors or concepts that I find interesting. Sometimes I start coming up with lyric or melody ideas right then and there, and sometimes I save it for later. If I'm sitting at my piano, I'll either pick an idea from my notes to dive into or I'll start improvising and just see what comes out of it. Or sometimes I'm literally in my car and I just hit record on my voice memo and see what I come up with.”
If you were to open for any 3 artists, who would they be?
“It would be a DREAM to open for Maisie Peters. Or Chelsea Cutler. Or Valley.”
What is the best advice you’ve been given so far in the music industry?
“Stay consistent! I had someone encourage me to write 2 song ideas per day to keep my skills and mind sharp. Since starting that challenge, I've seen so much growth in myself as a writer and have come up with some of my new favorite ideas. The consistent practice makes me a better and quicker co-writer, too! AND the more song ideas I write, the more song ideas I find in the world. Inspiration is literally everywhere.”
What would you be doing right now, if it wasn’t for your music career?
“I've always had this distant dream of opening up a space where I could host events for creatives. I'd want to have mixers/networking events, workshops and classes, and maybe even songwriter nights or visual art showcases. I love connecting with creative people and encouraging them as they pursue their dreams and work on their craft. It would be cool to foster some kind of community around that.”
What’s the most rewarding aspect of being a creative in your experience?
“SO many aspects. The sheer act of creating is so beautiful and rewarding. But one of my favorite things is when I show someone a song and they're like, "How did you know exactly what I'm going through??" or, "You said exactly what I needed to say, but didn't have the words to express." Creating something that's deeply relatable to people feels so good.”
In your view, what can society to do to best support artists, creatives such as yourself?
“Stream, share, and engage on social media!! It means so much to me when people listen to my music, tell other people about it, or engage with my content online. I also value feedback SO much. If you really like something I've created, I want to know! I also always welcome constructive criticism. Both types of feedback have helped me grow so much and can also help inform decisions when it comes to releases and such.”
Social Media
Nashville Pop:
Jenna Carlie: @jennacarlie
Chaz Mazzota: @itschazmazzota
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